Why is your GP Practice now unable to do everything they once were?

Many GP practices in Grampian are faced with unmanageable workloads coupled with a rapidly shrinking and exhausted workforce. The COVID-19 pandemic has generated a vast backlog of care which is so far largely unmeasured in General Practice. It is exerting increasing pressure on a wider system that is already at breaking point.

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Housebound & Older People

Staying at Home

If home is where you want to be, it’s essential that you and your carers have as much support as possible. Caring can be hard work, both physically and emotionally. It’s not always easy to ask for help, and many people find it impossible. However, it’s important that your carers save enough energy to do the things that only they can do, such as spending time talking to you and supporting you. They can pass on some jobs to other people, where possible.

District Nurses

District Nurses carry out many roles for housebound patients, including:

  • General nursing procedures and investigations
  • Post-surgery care
  • Assessment of patients’ needs
  • Care for terminally ill patients
  • Loaning of equipment
  • Looking after wounds and leg ulcers
  • Educating patients about self-care

Referrals can be made by a Doctor or nurse at the practice, patients themselves or by carers and family members.

Free Personal and Nursing Care

Free personal care is available for everyone aged 65 and over in Scotland who have been assessed by the local authority as needing it.

Free nursing care is available for people of any age who have been assessed as requiring nursing care services.