Why is your GP Practice now unable to do everything they once were?

Many GP practices in Grampian are faced with unmanageable workloads coupled with a rapidly shrinking and exhausted workforce. The COVID-19 pandemic has generated a vast backlog of care which is so far largely unmeasured in General Practice. It is exerting increasing pressure on a wider system that is already at breaking point.

Ask for help online. It’s simple, secure, and quick with Engage Consult.

Family Support

Father’s Network Scotland

Fathers Network Scotland exists to: Promote the physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing of fathers in Scotland through the provision of support to men in all aspects of their role as fathers and to raise awareness and increase understanding of the importance of fathers in child development and parenting.
0131 460 8256 (leave message)

Families Outside

Families Outside is the only national charity that works solely on behalf of families in Scotland affected by imprisonment.
0800 254 0088 or TEXT FAMOUT to 6077

Parent Club Scotland

Parenthood is an amazing job, but it’s not an easy one. There’s often lots of conflicting information out there. Doing the right thing for your wee ones can seem impossible sometimes. Parent Club is here to help by giving you information you can trust, all in one place.

Home Start

Home-Start is a local community network of trained volunteers and expert support helping families with young children through their challenging times. We are there for parents when they need us the most because childhood can’t wait.

Relationship Scotland

Relationships Scotland’s network provide relationship counselling, family mediation, child contact centres and other family support services across all of mainland and island Scotland. Our work supports individuals, couples and families experiencing relationship difficulties. Around 40,000 people have contact with our services each year.
0345 119 2020

PETAL – People Experiencing Trauma and Loss

PETAL is the most recognised and longest established organisation for people affected by homicide or suicide in Scotland. Our professional service is supported by Scottish Government and other funders. Service provision is FREE and we provides a safe and confidential environment where those experiencing bereavement and traumatic loss, through murder or suicide can receive support, one to one counselling and other therapies. This service provision includes children and young people.
01698 324502

Wellbeing Scotland

Wellbeing Scotland are a voluntary organisation with services across Scotland. We provide a wide range of holistic services for individuals and families whose life experiences have impacted negatively on their wellbeing. Since 1994 we have offered client centred, holistic, trauma informed therapeutic services and have specialised in abuse and trauma work.
01324 630 100

Circle – Supporting families in Scotland

Circle is a Scottish charity working at the heart of deprived communities across central Scotland. Our aim is to support the most disadvantaged children and families to improve their lives, promote their healthy development and reach their potential.
0131 552 0305

Citizens Advice Scotland

Personal, one-to-one advice and information on employment, housing, debt, benefits and consumer issues like energy bills
0800 028 1456

Children 1st

We exist to prevent abuse and neglect, to protect children and keep them safe from harm. Together we can help children in Scotland live in safe, loving families and build strong communities. We help survivors of abuse, trauma and other adversity to recover and we work tirelessly to protect the rights of children in Scotland.
08000 28 2233

Crossroads Scotland

Crossroads Caring Scotland is one of the country's leading voluntary sector providers of support for carers and their families. Established as a charity in Scotland in 1978, we provide support services across Scotland, helping people to live independently at home.
0141 226 3793

Family Lives

Family Lives is a national charity providing support in all aspects of family life.
0808 800 2222