Why is your GP Practice now unable to do everything they once were?

Many GP practices in Grampian are faced with unmanageable workloads coupled with a rapidly shrinking and exhausted workforce. The COVID-19 pandemic has generated a vast backlog of care which is so far largely unmeasured in General Practice. It is exerting increasing pressure on a wider system that is already at breaking point.

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SAM (Self Help for Anxiety Management) (Age 12 yrs +)

SAM (Self Help for Anxiety Management) (Age 12 yrs +)

This app provides self-help techniques to help manage overall anxiety. Track anxiety levels, triggers, and build a personal tool kit in the app. It also provides interactive guidance for practicing self-help and a closed social community to engage with others. If you’re looking for holistic snapshot of your anxiety and how to cope with it, this may be the app for you.